The Mythology of Supernatural: The Signs and Symbols Behind the Popular TV Show

The Mythology of Supernatural: The Signs and Symbols Behind the Popular TV Show - Nathan Robert Brown There's a lot of information in here... like A LOT! Luckily most of it I know either from the show or reading about it somewhere else, so sometimes it was kinda boring going over known information, but that which I didn't know was fascinating. I'm no expert, so can't really say how valid any of it is, but it was a good read and I enjoyed learning more about different cultures and mythologies.
Obviously there's been many seasons since the publication of this book, so there's definitely some information missing, but even so you can tell the creators of Supernatural get pretty much all of their information from solid lore, and then put their own spin on it. I'd love of the author did a follow up book covering the last couple of seasons, as he's already mentioned some of the elements that are the base of these seasons in this book, like Leviathans and Abbadon, so would be great to learn more if there is more to learn about these subjects... and let's be honest... there is ALWAYS more to learn!